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A drawing may be exported as a SVG file by selecting the SVG option within the Export Submenu.

Click or Tap on an export option to learn more about its features.

Option Name Description
Current Layer The Current Layer option exports the currently selected layer within the TouchDraw 2 Drawing.
Current Selection The Current Selection option exports the current selection within the TouchDraw 2 Drawing.
All Layers The All Layers option exports all layers within the TouchDraw 2 drawing.
Visible Content The Visible Content option exports what is currently visible within the TouchDraw 2 drawing.
Include Grid The Include Grid option tells TouchDraw 2 to include (or not include) the grid in the generated file.
Include Margin The Include Margin option tells TouchDraw 2 to include (or not include) margins in the generated file.
Pretty Print The Pretty Print option formats the exported SVG into a form that is human readable. Rather than one big line, it uses spaces, returns, and tabs to make the structure understandable.
Inkscape Attributes The Inkscape Attributes option informs TouchDraw 2 to include Inkscape specific attributes when exporting a drawing as an SVG File.

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