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Stencil Libraries

Stencils are predefined or custom objects you can insert into a drawing as needed. Libraries are used to add and manage Stencils stored within the application and for adding these objects to a drawing.

Both Stencils and Libraries are managed through the Stencils Menu, which can be accessed by performing a Press on the Stencil Libraries Button in the Top Toolbar.

The Stencils Menu can be used to view each library and the stencils stored in it.

Click or Tap on the corresponding Stencil Menu item name to learn more about what the option does.

Icon Option Name Description
Stencil Libraries Settings Menu The Stencil Libraries Settings Menu contains options for adding, removing, and renaming libraries as well as options for managing stencils within each library.
Library Selection Menu The Library Selection Menu can be used to choose a specific library stored within the application.
Search The Search Feature can be used to find a specific stencil within the selected library.
Stencil Selection Area The Stencil Selection Area shows all stencils within a selected library and can be used to make drawing additions.

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