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View Menu

Use the View Menu to access actions for changing settings of the currently visible Drawing Canvas. When this menu is selected, the options shown below will appear.

Click or Tap on the name of the menu item to find out more details about what action occurs when it is selected.

Menu Item Description
Zoom In The Zoom In menu item increases the magnification level of the Drawing Canvas to allow for working on the drawing in more detail.
Zoom Out The Zoom Out menu item decreases the magnification level of the Drawing Canvas make a larger portion of the drawing viewable in the window at once.
Zoom To Submenu The Zoom To Submenu options can be used to dynamically resize the magnification level and the location of the drawing within the Drawing Canvas to make the complete drawing visible in the window based on the drawing contents, page, or current selection.
Selection as Group The Selection As Group option is the default setting for TouchDraw 2. When enabled, multiple shapes selected at once will be treated as a group and can be resized, rotated, etc. as a group.
Select Individually (Classic) The Select Individually (Classic) option enables the same behavior experienced when select shapes in TouchDraw 1. All of the handles for all of the the selected shapes will be displayed in the Drawing Canvas.
Show Rulers The Show Rulers menu item can be used to hide or show the left and top rulers on the main application window. A blue slider indicates that the option is enabled and a gray slider indicates the option is disabled.
Show Grid The Show Grid menu item can be used to hide or display the background grid on the main application window to show a blank or grid canvas. A blue slider indicates that the option is enabled and a gray slider indicates the option is disabled.
Show Page Bounds The Show Page Bounds menu item places page boundary lines on the drawing canvas when enabled. This option is disabled by default within TouchDraw 2 and must be selected from the menu to be enabled. Select this menu option again to disable it and remove the boundary lines.
Crosshairs The Crosshairs option displays crosshairs on the Drawing Canvas when enabled. Crosshairs are visible when adding, moving, and modifying items within the drawing.
Snapping Submenu The Snapping Submenu contains options related to the snapping behavior of the active Drawing Canvas.
Grid Level Submenu The Grid Level Submenu can be used to chooose whether or not the grid is rendered in the background (underneath the drawing) or in the foreground (above the drawing). The default selection is Background.
Easy Drag Mode The Easy Drag Mode option hides all handles to prevent a selected figure from being altered as it is moved. The option can be applied to single figure by selecting the object prior to choosing this setting or set when no figures are selected to apply the setting to every item on the drawing canvas.
Handles Submenu The Handles Submenu contains options for configuring which handles are visible for a selected figure.
Layers Submenu The Layers Submenu contains options for application setup and operational characteristics of TouchDraw 2 for layers.
Show Overlays The Show Overlays option can be used to toggle Overlay Mode in TouchDraw 2. This mode superimposed contextual tools over the drawing based on the context of the current selection. When enabled, three types of overlay modes may be available: nudge, line, and connector type.
Show Format Bar The Show Format Bar option may be used to hide or show the Format Bar, which is located directly above the Drawing Canvas.

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